Three tips for USE-ITEC points in October

Plastic waste, cycling culture & recess relaxation

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Three tips for USE-ITEC points in October

You cannot complete your bachelor's degree at TU/e until you have attended at least five Studium Generale programs that are labeled 'USE-ITEC'. Each month, Cursor puts three options in the spotlight. This month: making music with plastic waste, a lecture on cycling cities, and classical music during the lunchbreak.

photo Copyright Sander Heezen & Jostijn Ligtvoet

Do you need some more USE-ITEC points to reach the obligatory five? Or maybe you are already set, but you just love going to Studium Generale programs? If so, read along to see what's on this month's 'menu'.

1. Cycling Cities

Theme: lecture / mobility
Date: Wednesday, October 16
Time: 12:40-13:20 p.m.
Location: Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal

Did you know that there are more bicycles than people in the Netherlands? Perhaps not surprising for a cycling country like the Netherlands. From a very young age, the Dutch learn to ride the two-wheeled vehicles, and throughout the country cyclists are taken into account in the form of lots (about 35,000 kilometers) of bike paths. 

But what causes some cities to be bike-dominated and others not? In this lecture, TU/e professor Ruth Oldenziel takes you on a trip around the world to find out what factors underlie a true cycling culture. 

Book your ticket here.

2. Soundtrack of the Plastic Age

Theme: music / lecture / pollution
Date: Wednesday, October 16
Time: 8:00-21:45 p.m.
Location: Luna, Corona Hall

Making music with instruments made of plastic waste; that's what the Rogier de Nijs Group will do Wednesday, Oct. 16, during their performance “Soundtrack of the Plastic Age. With their music and accompanying video projections, the trio will take you to 'the plastic age', or: the present. Merijn Tinga, better known as the Plastic Soup Surfer, will also give a lecture on the underlying problems of plastic waste. 

Book your ticket here.

3. Recess Relaxation

Theme: music
Date: Tuesday, October 22
Time: 12:40-13:20 p.m.
Location: Auditorium, Blauwe Zaal

Studium Generale recently started organizing a lunch break concert the week before the exam period. Especially for all those studying all day and in need of a break, but of course other TU/e'ers are welcome too. 

This time the music will be provided by Laurens de Man - pianist, organist and harpsichordist. Earlier this year he received the prestigious Dutch Music Prize, but on October 22 he will perform here on campus, in the Blauwe Zaal. 

Book your ticket here.

What is USE/ITEC?

TU/e trains engineers. However, the technical solutions they come up with do not stand alone. Technology serves a societal purpose and its application also has consequences for society. This is why it’s important that engineers in training broaden their societal, ethical, cultural, and personal horizons.

All bachelor’s programs at TU/e are subject to the USE/ITEC regulations. USE stands for ‘user, society & enterprise'. After all, as an engineer you’re always dealing with users, society, and the business community. ITEC stands for Impact of TEChnology and focuses on ethical questions relating to the use of technology.

The USE/ITEC regulations stipulate that bachelor’s students must obtain a certain number of points to show they’ve mastered the non-technical aspects of technology. Studium Generale organizes activities in this context.

Click here to read more on the Studium Generale website.

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