Trade up! | Part 5: Lost

“Copycats are cool cats”, Kyle MacDonald writes in his blog. In July 2005, the Canadian offered to swap his red paperclip, and within a year he had swapped himself a house. Nope, we’re definitely not the first to start this game. And we’re not looking to acquire a house, either. We’re just really looking forward to the swaptastic journey through TU/e that lies ahead, and who we’ll meet along the way. Keep track of our barter here and don’t hesitate to e-mail us if you see an item you love, and you’re willing to exchange it for something ever better.

Did we make a wrong turn after all? Does man, even in this time of giving, value materialism over symbolism and a sense of community? Should we have borne in mind dollar signs during our value-increasing TU/e adventure, lest we’d be blinded by tempting talk? Wandering, have we lost our way?

It seemed perfect to us: to go on a search for sentiment, memories, and campus stories, trading up the most wonderful memorabilia along the way. We happily wrote down Anton Bruekers overexcited account -weeks ago by now- about the new Flux building and the decluttering craze preceding it in Potentiaal. His item that was up for trade, put together with blood, sweat and tears by an equally excited colleague, belonged with Applied Physics, Bruekers mused hopefully.

Let’s blame it on moving stress, but Applied Physics -currently in between buildings- hasn’t contacted us yet. Admittedly, neither has anyone else on campus. And that means the Bulky Bruekers Diamond is still with us at Cursor HQ.

Being the glass-half-full, Christmas-spirited crew we are, we’ve considered adorning the thing with lights and Christmas ornaments, or maybe using it as a tray for Christmas cookies. We’re just a little bummed, especially since the days are getting shorter and it’s almost Christmas. And heck, we’ll admit it: we’re disappointed. Whatever happened to university charity? Will our community quietly accept a premature ending to this trading quest, which offers potentially endless possibilities, opportunities, and stories? Are we definitively stuck?

Last call for all fellow travelers: who can help us cross this border, so we can continue our travels? You and TU/e can hitch a ride for free. Want to trade? E-mail us!

“Not all those who wander are lost.” (J.R.R. Tolkien)

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