People with Protractors Rule! (aka How Engineers Change the World)

When you’re eyeball deep into exams, projects and deadlines and stress has a steely grip around your throat, you might sometimes think: Why, oh WHY, did I choose this area of study? I mean, wouldn’t I be happier as a yoga teacher or pilot? If you’ve ever suffered an existential moment about your given career track, this article is for you. Think of it as a combination pat on the back, fist bump and high five for all that hard work you did the past year and confirmation that one day soon, you too will go out there and make the world a better place.

While you might not ever build a Hoover Dam or grow a heart in a lab, choosing a career in engineering can be a first step towards doing some pretty monumental, world-changing or, at the very least, interesting projects. Take, for example, the following list of fabulous things engineers have contributed (or are contributing) to the betterment of society. (cue the heroic theme music here) 

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