And how are things in Dalian?

After I paid a visit to the pilot plant of ‘Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics’, I am in the bus on my way back to the office in the mountains. With the Chinese radio on the background, I am enjoying the clear blue sky. I can say that I am happy to do my internship in Dalian, a city without much smog.

My colleagues have their eyes closed. Not uncommon if you realize that they often take an afternoon nap. I can sincerely say that I started to appreciate these naps. It seems to be the only time I am not looked at with amazement, enthusiasm or sometimes even with a little bit of disgust. People stare and girls want to take a selfie with me, something I am not used to at the Chemical Engineering department.

A tip for western people who dream of an internship in China: make contact with locals. It is not only a lot of fun, they also kind of protect you against staring people. Although I am much taller than the average Chinese person, I feel like a rock star protected by bodyguards.

It will take time to get used to it, but I certainly don’t regret my choice to travel to China. The environment is beautiful, the food is delicious and you learn more about yourself and another culture. I never imagined I could eat with chopsticks this soon. And I am not even startled anymore when I have to use a hole in the ground instead of a western toilet. Perhaps, when I am back I am the one who has to follow the notes of the TU/e: ‘Don’t stand on the toilet seat’. One thing is for sure, I am going to enjoy the rest of my internship in Dalian.

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