Intro 2019 | This was Pull-through Thursday #video

Of course we know that this Intro Thursday is not over yet. That you - after all the workshops – just finished the warming up to pull an allnighter. The fourth Intro day is notorious for its short night, or long night, depending on how you view things! So, for tomorrow with (late) breakfast, inspired by Zanger Kafke: can someone tell me what I have been doing yesterday? Yes, Cursor can actually: here you go, Thursday’s recap in a video. PS: we have not been able to process last night’s pictures either. Stay tuned!

photo Rien Boonstoppel
Enjoy our video recap from Thursday.
Video | Collin Wagenmakers (camera) and Alain Heeren (editing)

Intro 2019 @ TU/e | Thursday

Enjoy our video recap from Thursday. Video | Collin Wagenmakers (camera) and Alain Heeren (editing)

Not ready to let go? Check our Instagram-stories for more footage.

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