


I would have liked to talk to you about more pleasant things, but I carry a sadness with me that I want to share with you. I realized that this will be the last time we talk to each other. That is why I would like to take this opportunity not just to bring a story to its conclusion, but also to thank a few people.

Perhaps you’re interested to know what path I’ve chosen. I eventually opted for a field that gave me much pleasure during my high school years. I enrolled in Geography, Planning and Environment at Radboud University Nijmegen.

You’ll probably understand that this is closer to the geographical domain, the exact opposite of the fields with which Cursor’s readers probably occupy themselves. In the past, it was the travel time that held me back; not living near a university is simply an obstacle to me. But I’ve learned from experience what will happen if I once again take travel time into account when I make a decision.

I would like to spend a few words in this column thanking a number of individuals and organizations. TU/e, thank you for being an important and informative part of my life. Thank you to Cursor for offering me a platform where I can share my words. Thanks to general editor Han Konings for trimming down my words to something that’s easier to read. Brigit, thank you for that same reason, and Norbine, thank you for allowing me to join Cursor.

I will always feel a sense of uncertainty, and a guarantee of success isn’t self-evident with this choice either. Perhaps that’s located in an entirely different place for now: I can’t know. What I can say with certainty, is that I have a different feeling about this choice than I had about the one I made a year ago. I can’t say it any better than Pim Fortuyn once did: “I’m looking forward to it.”

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