
CLMN | From taking exams to giving exams


Recently, on behalf of my professor, I had the chance to be the ‘Materiedeskundige’ at one of the exams during last exam period. Being on the other side of the desk was a completely different experience.

During my studies, exam weeks were obviously of crucial importance and everything is planned for these days. A three-hour written exam was indeed quite a happening. While taking exams, you can clearly identify between students who understand the exam questions and those who don’t. The students that want to do best at the exam can be seen deeply concentrated on motivating their answers, managing time, puzzling if their explanation is sufficient or if they should write more. The others are found busy doing nothing, pondering whether to give it a try and start answering questions to the best of their ability, or simply quit and start preparing for a re-take. Some get furious over the exam and will be declaring the course to be the worst they have ever taken.

It is extremely quiet when you are at the other side of desk, i.e. giving exams. All these emotions are absent. You are served with tea/coffee (which I would love while taking exams!). You can do your office work, read a good paper/book, or check Facebook. Or do like me and write a column. I wish I could write more, but I have to go now as the three peaceful hours have gone by already and it’s time to get back to the office.

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