Bor de Kock

Bor de Kock (19), student of Software Science and Web Science, marketing group (social media)

What the greatest thing about the RoboCup? Its size. I’m still amazed at the number of participants and visitors we’re expecting. There’s already a plan should all roads to Eindhoven congest with RoboCup enthusiasts. Get the idea?

What’s most stressful for you this week?  The combination of the upcoming RoboCup and the upcoming exams is a bit tougher than I had anticipated. I can still do both, but I’m not exactly getting a good night’s sleep… Fortunately, the RoboCup organization is a close-knit group that’s been working together for a year now, so we’re helping each other get through this. We’re all in the same boat, and that makes it more bearable.

Who should definitely visit the Cup in June? Everyone! The program is really varied, so I’m positive there will be something for everyone, whether you’re a techie, a sports fan, or both. Or neither. There will be workshops and a fair as well, so there’s really no time to be bored. And if the Netherlands make it to the finals –something I’m secretly hoping for– the event will see a spectacular conclusion that no one will want to miss out on.

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