Intro | Meeting almost one hundred associations in a single day

At the Green Strip Festival on Tuesday, 98 associations presented themselves, every single one explaining why they’re so much fun or important. Study associations, student societies and clubs, cultural associations, and other organizations have the freshmen sing and play sports, quizzes, and games.

“Are you ready for the sink race?”


“That’s right! You’re never ready for the sink race!”

Nevertheless, Intro daddy Leon Deckers (group: ’88 miles/hour’, Applied Mathematics) gets on his knees and crawls over the planks study association GEWIS put up, representing a bar. While doing so, he tries to down a dairy shot, a cup of Sprite and coffee, and a mug of chocolate milk as fast as he can. And in the meantime his head is submerged in a bucket of water, occasionally.

Other Intro kids are not too keen on beating his time. It’s too cold. Which is also the reason CHEOPS can’t really rally people to participate in their banana soap slide race.

TU/e teams have gathered at the Market Hall. STORM has a mockup (a real-size model) on display of the electrical motor they are developing. URE’s racecar draws attention occasionally. “What’s it top speed?” The Intro kid who asked seems fairly disappointed upon hearing it’s only 130 km/h.

Future student of Software Science Xander Wessels is excited about the Green Strip Festival. “It’s livelier than I thought it would be, especially considering this is a university of technology.” Xander has already visited the silent disco of student society SSRE, played volleyball with Hajraa, and bobbed around the pond in an inflatable ball.

The west side of campus has been reserved for the athletic clubs. Students are hanging from poles (pole fitness club Blue), shooting water balloons with catapults (tennis club Fellenoord), and wait for an available sail boat (sailing club Boreas). Anyone can join, but it’s okay to sleep on it, too. After all, the Green Strip Festival is meant to get to know each other.

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