‘Campus not a training area for drivers without a license'

The TU/e campus is not a training area for motorists without a driving license. This warning issued by TU/e is addressed mainly to internationals on the site, who may not be aware of the fact that the campus roads are public roads and are hence governed by the Road Traffic Act (Wegenverkeerswet). This message is occasioned by several incidents involving Chinese TU/e employees and students, who were driving a car on the site without a driving license – and without a driver education car and driving instructor.

An employee from the Department of Electrical Engineering recently set the ball rolling, says Mirjam Jahnke, head of Safety & Security at TU/e. “Several times he had already seen people driving around on campus who had little or no driving experience.” How he arrived at that conclusion? Jahnke, laughing: “It was clear from the way they were driving”.

One day the relevant employee addressed the two, after which he reported the incident to the security officer. According to Jahnke they were two Chinese persons “who were not conscious of the fact that they cannot drive on campus without a driving license”. This was clearly not a formal driving lesson situation, involving a driving instructor or a driver education car, the head of security added.

Jahnke hopes that in the immediate future she can reach all internationals, among others via the secretariats of all TU/e departments, in order to point out to this target group in particular that the status of the campus is a public one, which is therefore subject to the applicable traffic rules. In this way she hopes to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Admittedly no accidents have ensued yet until today, but as far as Jahnke is concerned, forewarned is forearmed. “You just cannot drive around here without a driving license.”

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