Introduction basic course modeling in Muziekgebouw

This year the opening lecture of the first-year basic course Introduction to Modeling will take place outside the TU/e campus. Lecturers Tijn Borghuis (IE&IS) and Emiel van Berkum (W&I) will give the introduction in the big auditorium of the Muziekgebouw Frits Philips on Monday morning February 2. The auditorium has sufficient capacity to allow over 1700 first-year students to get acquainted with the basic course in two sessions (one in Dutch and one in English).

The introduction consists of a 45-minute lecture, during which the idea behind and practical matters concerning the course are explained. Borghuis: “The subject matter of the lectures is available in the form of video lectures. We will be showing a sample fragment. The rest of the course consists of a modeling assignment, which will be carried out in more than three hundred groups over the next eight weeks. This involves 88 tutors.”

On Monday morning there will be two sessions in the Muziekgebouw: one for Dutch-language major students and one for the English-language majors plus all Business Administration students. This choice was made because the Dutch-language session would otherwise become too full, explains the lecturer. “By making this division we have two almost equally large groups.”

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