And how are things in Wellington?

In the previous semester I went on exchange to the other side of the world, literally. In Wellington, New Zealand I followed several courses of Industrial Design and Media Design.

Doing these courses was fun, but the life outside university was even better! In my opinion, Wellington is one of the most fun cities full of cafes and bars with colorful street art on every corner.

The most impressive aspect of New Zealand is the nature that surprises you every day, such broad variety of powerful landscapes. Everyone who has seen the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings has seen a glimpse of what New Zealand has to offer.

Another unique thing about New Zealand is its people. They are genuinely friendly and welcoming and always up for a friendly conversation. The people I met during my travels welcomed me warmly and showed me special places you would otherwise have missed. It was a unique experience and I recommend it to everyone!

Do - Try to make friends with the local students. It is a lot of fun to do things not only with the other International students but also with the New Zealand students. They can show you the good spots in the city and the real New Zealand way of living.

Don’t - Never go home directly after you finished your study. Apart from the weekend trips - a bigger trip at the end of your study is a must, to discover the country more fully. My general advice is: go on exchange! It doesn’t have to be all the way to New Zealand, could also be in Europe, but get out of your comfort zone. You’ll have so many new life experiences and you’ll meet these special people, that is what makes it an unforgettable time.

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