Moving from more-more-more engineers to better selection at the gate

The announcement of student quotas at the four universities of technology (TUs) is causing quite a commotion. The business community is not buying it and Minister of Education Jet Bussemaker was also put out. Later she did show some understanding, but still reacted grumpily to the call for extra funds, some 400 million.

Last Tuesday a motion was carried in the Lower House which will lead to some serious work to be done by Bussemaker. By next spring she has to inform the Lower House how she is going to tackle the financial bottlenecks and the capacity problems at the four TUs.

Meanwhile TU/e has its homework cut out for itself. Cursor toured the corridors of the university over the past few weeks, talking to various parties involved so as to find out what the motives are for the introduction of the student quotas and what its impact will be in the near future.

Read this article in Cursor 5.

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