CursorOnTour@SSC | New ESSF board installed

A board, complete and official, has once again been installed at the Eindhoven Student Sports Federation. For the past academic year, this umbrella organization has been led by an emergency board and due to time pressure only absolutely essential matters have been dealt with. This year the focus will be back on the interests of both the student sports associations and the individual athletes, promises the brand new chairperson.

“Joining the board isn't a brave or special step for us, it's simply something that's very badly needed,” says Christiaan Goossens, who is taking on the role of chairing the 57th board. “Until yesterday we had an emergency board, whereby Laurence Moutafov of All Terrain handled the incoming mail and chaired the meetings, and Floris Zeven van Tamar worked on the Intro and the ALV minutes. The board's tasks were kept to a minimum, so Hei-Wah Cheung, treasurer of Suca, for example, did the finances and distributed the board grants, but she didn't start work on redistributing those grants.”

This is something the new board will take in hand. A commissioner for board grants has even been appointed: Randor Bongers. In addition, the board will resume organizing the Van Lint week, the Sports Gala, the GNSK and the university's participation in the Batavieren Race. Last year the 'Bata' was managed by Asterix and, similarly, all these other events were organized by the associations themselves. Another important task is to support the student sports associations (SSVs). “We can help them think about their policy plans, and give advice on all kinds of problems that boards encounter. We are keen to represent athletes in their dealings with the Student Sports Centre and TU/e's Executive Board,” says the chairperson.

Really keen

Commissioner for external relations Margot Passier explains how motivated all the new board members are. “We are really keen to get to know all the SSVs and sports better and to work on their behalf. We are very pleased that the emergency board has carried out the basic tasks this past year so that ESSF is in a position to move forward, but we are keen to prevent this being necessary a second time.” This is why, for all sport card holders and SSV boards, the new board wants to clarify the exact role of ESSF alongside that of the SSC, and is keen to note this for future ESSF boards.

“For the coming year, the tasks are being spread among six people, so that it is clearer what each person's responsibilities are and so that the SSV boards know who they need to contact for which problem,” says Passier. In addition to the three students mentioned above, Yannick Vreekamp (commissioner for events), Dorrith Verstegen (secretary) and Nils Hultermans (treasurer) have taken seats on the board. As the photo shows, the board is drawn from six very different sports associations. The new members admit to finding it a shame that they were only officially appointed after the board took part in last Friday's MomenTUm procession.

Board cubby hole

Entering the SSC, you will find ESSF in a room on the left-hand side.“We are in the middle of furnishing our board cubby hole,” says Vreekamp. “As it wasn't used by a board last year, it wasn't looked after. We want to turn it into an office that is above all welcoming but also neat and tidy. This is going mean throwing out most of the furniture and getting all new things. We'll soon have a couch in the office, and that's going to make our little office more inviting, so that other boards feel they can drop by for a friendly chat and a coffee.”

At the photo from left to right: Randor Bongers, Nils Hultermans, Yannick Vreekamp, Christiaan Goossens, Dorrith Verstegen, Margot Passier

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