Cupid and Cursor hand out roses

Because of Valentine’s Day, Cursor (together with Cupid of course) organized a special giveaway to celebrate love. People from TU/e were given the chance to sent in someone’s name - ranging from colleague to classmate to crush - that deserved a rose, according to them. Today, all roses were handed out, each of them with a personal (mostly anonymous) message.

photo Cat de Win
Secret admirers

“From your secret admirer,” a staff member reads begrudgingly from the card hanging from his rose. In the background, his colleagues are trying their best not to laugh. “I should know if someone has a crush on me.” It seems he is not the only one with a secret admirer. For both student and employee, love seems to be flowing richly, as many of them are informed that someone has a crush on them, or sometimes even asked out on dates. Some have an idea who it could be from, others not at all. Despite the confusion here and there, reactions are positive. "I feel honored, this is lovely," one student says. A few get a little uncomfortable. "I already have a certain reputation," a staff member admits guiltily.


In addition to the genuine love declarations, less serious messages were also sent. “It’s a joke,” one staff member says, laughing as she places the rose and card on her colleagues desk. “I'm so curious to see how he reacts when he comes back!" The students don't seem to take all messages seriously either. "This one is a hundred percent from a friend of mine," one says, shaking his head. "No doubt about it.”

Just because

Love is more than just romance, and therefore roses were also handed out to celebrate friendships. Just to celebrate that one colleague, thank your classmate, or surprise your best friends. "I sent in both their names for a rose," one student says who came with the two friends in question to pick up their rose. "Just because."

Did you forget to pick up your rose? Please stop by the Cursor office (Auditorium 2.15) as soon as possible to pick it up.

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