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Looking for meaning? PassionWeek helps with life questions

This week, Christian student association Ichthus Eindhoven is organizing PassionWeek. For four days, the Luna building will host a lecture on the theme of “Meaningfulness” every afternoon. “We want to open up the conversation about the purpose of life,” says organizer Carola Lock.

photo PassionWeek

Meaning. It’s something that everyone needs in their life. As such, the theme of this year’s edition of PassionWeek was not just picked at random. Every student grapples with questions about the meaning of life and their own role in society. From Monday, February 26 to Thursday, February 29, there will be a lecture on meaning every afternoon at Luna 1.240, accompanied by a free lunch.

Non-Christians are also encouraged to drop by. Lock: “We want to convey how we as Christians view the purpose of life and how this may differ from what non-believers think. We share the same practical goals, like graduating or landing a good job, or simply being happy. But we also have a larger goal in our lives: to live for God’s glory and to radiate His love. We hope to set people thinking about that.”

The topics of the lectures are different each afternoon, but they all revolve around the theme of meaningfulness and how science views this. Monday’s lecture will be about finding meaning in studying and in society. On Tuesday, the focus will be on friendship. On Wednesday, the theme is well-being and the false thoughts that may (sometimes unconsciously) lurk around in your head, such as: ‘I’m not good enough’. The final lecture will deal with self-perception and developing a meaningful identity.

Lock hopes the event will attract many people. “I think a lot of students in technical programs are very practically minded. They want to rationalize everything. As Christians, we learn to look at life in a different way too. We hope we can learn from each other.”

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