
A refreshing shower


New Year’s eve: the moment that we give our calendar a kudo for his services of the past 365 days. Well done Calendar Charles, +1! But when the celebrative fumes of the firework have cleared, suddenly all human thoughts have evolved to the next level.

When the clock almost strikes twelve, a lot of Dutchies start chatting about their future: “What are your ‘things’ for next year?” New Year’s resolutions: These are the intentions Dutch blurt out when they’re eating their powder sugared ‘oliebollen’. Usually, they are of the kind: “Well yeah, I guess I will work out more often in 2013, and pass all my coursers obviously!”There’s nothing wrong with that, but it just isn’t quite innovatory. It might amaze you how unoriginal we are. We just keep on living at a high pace, without room for standstill. While us engineers strive for innovativeness: We are the innovators – so said the university campaign. New Year is typical for our creative destruction: our thoughts are stuck on railroad tracks, but we cannot get off.I turn off the shower. I thought of the first three paragraphs while washing out my ‘Perfect Curl’ hair conditioner. This shower is my peace and quiet, and my fantasy world. My thoughts know no limits or obligations: it’s a blissful moment for creativity, while my worries are washed away. Surely, we cannot be creative while we’re constantly thinking of things to do. World peace, physics.. oh bollocks, I have to do the laundry, cook and bleach my hair. And it’s gone.We engineers are standing on big science towers: buildings from which the foundations were laid a long while ago, and we have steadily continued building on it since then. The road is paved and we happily engage in building it, without radical deviations. That’s similar to how these hasty New Year’s resolution come to be. It’s time for more out of the box thinking, because standing on the shoulders of giants means a downfall is harsh when thinking of something new, but it is the only way to become big.

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