And how are things in San Diego?

San Diego: the best city in the States. Why? Easy! It has good weather year-round, long stretches of beach, amazing surfing conditions, the fittest and kindest people you’ll find in the US, and last but not least: one of the best universities.

My name’s Jasper. I’m the lucky guy who’s attending the University of California in San Diego for 4.4 months. I’m a student of Medical Engineering and I’m working on my Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy project at the Cardiac Mechanics Research Group. For one third of patients, a pacemaker doesn’t have the desired effect, and we’re trying to figure out why using a finite element method. It’s my job to make the geometry of the hearts and to determine the parameters of the model.

Right, enough about my project. Let’s talk about ‘the California Lifestyle’. I’m living with six international students (Americans, Germans and Norwegians) and we do a lot of things together. Something’s happening every day: Flirty Monday, Taco Tuesday, Goldfish-race Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday and on the weekends there are parties ‘errwhere’.

Apart from all the fun nights I really enjoy surfing. In the morning the conditions are perfect and if you’re lucky you just might spot dolphins! Evening surfing has the advantage of witnessing the beautiful sunset.

I’ve been here for one month now, and I already saw and did a lot. For example: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, American College Football (including hot cheerleaders) and house parties with beer pong tournaments and the renowned red cups.

I’m eager to find out what the next months will bring me. Apart from a two-week road trip at the end of my stay, I’d love to experience the Californian Double (snowboard and surf on the same day)!

Sounds amazing? Get on your feet and apply for a semester abroad!


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