Getting acquainted with the university professors’ work

The four university professors appointed early in 2013 will be presenting lectures in the next few months. In this way they allow the TU/e community to get acquainted with their scientific work. The 'Aan de Dommel' series of lectures is organized by the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems. Prof. dr. ir. Wil Van der Aalst has presented the first lecture today, Monday 16 September.

In March the Executive Board appointed four new university professors. Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Steinbuch (W), prof. dr. ir. Wil van der Aalst (W&I), prof. dr. ir. Anthonie Meijers (IE&IS) and prof. dr. ir. René Janssen (ST and TN) are regarded as ambassadors of the university and follow in the footsteps of prof. dr. Bert Meijer (ST, BMT and ICMS), who was appointed university professor as early as in 2004.

Van der Aalst kicked off in the Zwarte Doos at 11.30 hours today. His lecture entitled ‘Mine your own business - Using process mining to turn big data into process models’ discusses how process mining can help to chart the way in which people use a system, where the bottlenecks are and how organizations can structure their process better.

On October 4 university professor René Janssen will talk about organic solar cells and explain how new organic semiconductors with extensive optical absorption can lead to better results.

On November 21 it will be Maarten Steinbuch’s turn. In his lecture entitled ‘Caring Cars and Curing Robots’ he will shed light on the developments in the area of ‘high tech motion systems’. Among other things he will talk about the football robots of Tech United, a surgical eye robot and vehicles that use fuel efficiently. 

Anthonie Meijers will conclude the series of lectures on December 19. His specialization is in the area of the philosophy and ethics of technology. For now the exact contents of his lecture are not yet Getting acquainted with the university professors’ work known.

September 16, 2013, 11.30 hours, Zwarte Doos Filmzaal, by prof. Wil van der Aalst

October 4, 2013, 15:00 hours, Zwarte Doos Filmzaal, by prof. René Janssen

November 21, 2013, 10:30 hours, Ceres building 0.31, by prof. Maarten Steinbuch

December 19, 2013, 11:30 hours, Zwarte Doos Filmzaal, by prof. Anthonie Meijers 

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