Intro | Command center CIC in container office

The summer is over. Fall seems to have snuck in, and the new academic year is upon us. That also means it’s time for over two thousand aspiring students to get to know their new campus, their studies, student city Eindhoven, and each other. The Limbopad was once again filled with campaigning student associations this morning, and the well-known Thêta tunes sounded familiar, too. The mobile office of the Central Intro Committee (CIC) on the KOE field between Vertigo and the Auditorium is new this year.

The CIC office is located behind MetaForum. A fine location for preparatory work, but unpractical during the actual Intro. That’s why the committee has opted for a ‘container office’ at a more central location, Yves Houben explains. Houben is involved with the Intro on behalf of the Student Service Center (STU). “The container was put here by WEMA, the regular supplier for TU/e, two weeks ago. It will be dismantled on Saturday, and it will be picked up again on Monday. In the meantime we’re using the MetaForum office for storage.”

Last week, the mobile office served as a beacon for the four hundred new international students (25 percent more than last year) who started their introductory period on August 10 already. By now, the foreign newcomers have set up their bank accounts, learned their first Dutch words, and have been brought up to speed on some peculiarities of Dutch culture, so they will enjoy the exact same program as their Dutch peers.

It’s bustling at the information desk of the mobile office on Monday morning. Students who sign up as volunteers for the Intro activities, a supplier inquiring where to put the high tables, a Cursor reporter looking for news – the location of the command center is clearly visible for everyone at the beginning of the Green Strip, and it seems to work.

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