TU/e cancels cantus as Intro finale

For the first time since 1996, the upcoming Intro for new students will not include a cantus. The Executive Board of TU/e has OK’d the program proposal submitted by the Central Intro Committee, and the introduction week will end with a water fest on Friday.

The Central Intro Committee (CIC) has decided against a beer-fueled sing-along as the Intro finale. Instead, they’ve opted for a water fight. They were struggling with the new alcohol legislation last year already but then opted for near-beer. “That wasn’t a great success”, says Executive Board member Jo van Ham. “The vibe was different, and study associations were looking for something else to do, really.”

The cantus is a valuable tradition to Van Ham. “I’d love to maintain that sense of togetherness, but beer binging isn’t quite my priority. We’ll have to wait and see what will happen. I’m excited.”

The new water fest will take place on the field between Auditorium and Vertigo on Friday, after the departmental hangover breakfasts. Activities will include assaulting ‘rival’ Intro groups with water balloons.

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