Intro 2018 | Exposed in the gutter

The mums and dads at Mechanical Engineering who got wet this morning in 'de Goot' (Dutch for ‘gutter’) at Gemini, did so in style. Wearing a cape around their shoulders, with pink wings on their back or wearing much less: everything was possible. Though mainly the men exposed themselves. The intro kids had the honor of shooting with their self-fabricated crossbows on a target, causing their parents to end up in the pool.

Intro dad Tijn van Genugten, third-year student Mechanical Engineering, gets applause when he enters the platform. The applause is especially for his 'outfit': a mankini made of aluminum foil, the duck tie of his group still around his neck and a duck hat on his head. He passes the water test calm and well. "I volunteered", he explains casually later on. "My kids made it and well, beggars can’t be choosers, can they? I also do not want to be a pussy. And I was a little later than the other dad this morning; another reason I attracted this I guess."


There were more daredevils who sat on the scaffold made by Simon Stevin in not much more than their birthday suit. The kids were allowed to use their crossbows made of wood and duct tape to hit the target with an elastic and a tennis ball (their arrow). Still no ‘success’ after three attempts? Then the mums and dads ended up in the pool regardless. There was no escape.


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