[Translate to English:] Let's get wet. Foto | Bart van Overbeeke

Intro 2018 | 'Let's get wet' doesn’t mind some wetness

It is not the easiest group, according to the mom and dad, but a very nice one. And a kind one. They keep seeing each other for at least half a year, because that's the way it goes in Chemical Engineering. Group 2, 'Let's get wet', has mentioned this name suits them "because we don’t mind some wetness".

After one day of Intro, it is pretty clear what made the biggest impression on them: Meiyanne Sturm being drawn on stage by a stripper in café Spijker. "And he went all the way over me, when I laid down, with all the oil on his body ..." And where were her daddy Niels Dalmijn and mama Tijmen van Veen at that moment? They were watching. And why did they not help her? "We weren’t under the impression that it was necessary, she seemed to enjoy it", Tijmen explains.


Tijmen is the mother because he applied for a job as a student mentor. All mentors at Japie are mothers. For the Intro the moms are looking for a dad and for Tijmen that was Niels. "Aah, almost a love story", intro kid Lotte Capel reacts. She can expect regular group discussions at Tijmen’s initiative the coming six months, or request one herself. But that is not yet on the agenda at the moment.

Tonight there will be a party. All Japie groups will see each other, which Niels is already looking forward to. And then let’s hope for Emmy van Diessen to stick around. Yesterday she was very easy to be adopted by the Ninjapies: the group you can recognize from the ties the members wear around their heads.

You can tell you spot a member from ‘Let's get wet’ by the water gun around their neck. During the day it contains water, but in the evening...


As said before, it is a sweet but difficult group. There is one vegetarian, one allergic to lactose, another to nuts, one cannot stand pollen, another does not like pork and there is one who does not like butter. But do you know what is so sweet? That all kids send an app to their intro mama when they are finally in their beds.

Kees van Kollenburg, who still lives in Spoordonk, also did this. But he is staying with a friend in Best this week and he goes there by bike. "That is a barren trip every night and morning", Mama tells Kees. "Yes, I was almost lost, but thanks to Google maps I finally came home at a quarter to three."

By this time, Stijn Lamerichs had been at home in Liempde for a long time. But he was lucky enough to be picked up by car by his biological father. After the Intro he tries to cycle to the lectures, but according to himself that plan will not last very long. Do we see a nice task here for mentor Tijmen?

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