Intro group of Mechanical Engineering 'Wanne kutfiets' Photo | Bart van Overbeeke

Intro 2018 | Bicycle mechanics spinning out

Some bicycle trouble is not inconceivable in a city with so many bikes. But if an intro group of mechanical engineers (informally known as 'bicycle mechanics') fails to fix the bicycle - but a passing homeless guy does manage - then you obviously have a nice story. With the self-mockery of the group 'Wanne kutfiets' (which would be gracefully translated as ‘what a screwed up bike’) it is all set. Now let’s get back that bowler hat.

It is the night from Monday to Tuesday. Eight (aspiring) mechanical engineers are sucked into a nocturnal destination in the slipstream of daddy Koen van Fessem. When he abruptly gives the order to take a turn near the station, the hands of zero-year Jorrit Rijk squeeze the brakes fully. His legs, however, a bit further away from his (already somewhat dulled?) brain initially still kick lusty. This uncoordinated action results in blocked brakes, which cannot be released by the group, not even with joint forces.

"Mechanical engineers who cannot fix a bicycle." Intro kid Finn Bessems sees the irony here. Lloyd Dodsworth (a Belgian with an English father and also intro papa) wants to emphasize that they were clearly present. "But even when we had the brake cable disconnected, the brake just remained tight."

Though no despair: a ragged-looking man with a crate of beer in front of his bike says he knows what to do and promises to be back in a few minutes. To the astonishment of the intro group (now renamed 'Wanne kutfiets') the man indeed returns after some time. Without a crate of beer, but with tools. "From the Action (Dutch store)", Finn says. "Not stolen, but just bought. Apparently he felt it was necessary to mention that", he laughs.

After some hectic minutes, during which the man did not tolerate any involvement of the (future) bicycle mechanics, he fixed Jorrit’s unruly bicycle. "He was too late for his appointment, he claimed", Lloyd says. "We gave him five euros in the end, when he asked for money for the homeless shelter." And Jorrit could bike to his own sleeping place for that night.

Bowler hat

Let's talk about the gadgets: all kids were given a bowler hat - no: not on the initiative of half Englishman Lloyd, it is emphasized: Koen came up with them - but two of them have been lost already. The headgear of Thijs Hogeveen is 'secured', which means 'stolen by a friend, namely someone from a rival intro group'. "We can get them back with a beer relay. The person who stole the hat may come up with an assignment by which you can earn it back."

Pieter van Rooij’s bowler hat (the only intro kid in moody black, and not in the hard blue color of Simon Stevin - that shirt did not fit him, is his excuse) seems to have lost. Just like daddy Lloyd’s straw hat, by the way. "I was enjoying a too relaxed lunch in the PTH field”, he says with a feeling of guilt. "I had put it behind me. It was secured, but the person who did that, has now lost it himself.” Secure my ass.

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