‘Taste and enjoy’ at beer festival for Japie's birthday bar

The Green Strip within the grounds of TU/e will turn golden on Friday May 25th. This is the plan being hatched by the lustrum committee of the F.O.R.T., the bar run by study association Japie. To celebrate the bar's sixth lustrum, chemistry students will be holding a proper Craft Beer Festival. It will run all day and through the evening.

Ask chemistry students Brandon van Rosendaal and Jorrick van Pol about craft beers and ‘their’ bar, and their faces light up. They can regale you with stories about their beloved departmental social room and its thirty-year history - or at any rate about the last five years, which they've personally experienced.

Having started on the other side of the bar, both became bar staff some time ago and are currently members of the lustrum committee; Van Rosendaal as chairperson, Van Pol as treasurer and person in charge of the Golden Carpet Festival, which is today's main topic of conversation. “We ourselves often visit large craft beer festivals and they are always relaxed, sociable affairs. We thought it would be nice to have something like that on the TU/e campus for a change,” tells Van Rosendaal. Van Pol adds: “We have our own Green Strip here - on the day of the festival we want to turn it golden”.

It's not about getting as much down your neck as you can in 15 minutes

Brandon van Rosendaal
F.O.R.T. bar staff member and chairperson lustrum committee

By the way, this will be no crude student booze fest, not with these gentlemen running the show. Van Rosendaal: “A cantus, for example, is mainly about drinking as much beer as quickly as possible. This festival is more leisurely; it's about tasting and enjoying. It's not about getting as much down your neck as you can in 15 minutes.”

The F.O.R.T., with its own mobile bar, will be present on May 25 on the Flux field, surrounded by ten breweries. “Not your regular breweries,” promises Van Pol, pointing to the flyer bearing names like De Gaperd, Natte Gijt and The Sisters Brewery. And it is names like these, say the F.O.R.T. men, that will ensure there is something to satisfy every craft beer lover. A couple of food trucks will be doing business and there will be music - by a live band if enough tickets are sold, says Van Pol hopefully.

The Golden Carpet Festival is being held on Friday May 25 from 16.00 to 21.00 hrs. Visitors can buy a regular ticket, which includes a glass, or a ticket that include a glass and ten drink tokens. The prices are 7.50 and 25 euros, respectively.


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