
CLMN | New Year ‘Special’


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2014! The announcement followed by a series of the most amazing firework I have ever seen in my life. There were millions of people standing for 4-5 hours to witness this moment. As the clock struck 12, people opened bottles of champagnes, exchanged it even with strangers and greeted each other. The moment seemed really special and heart-warming to me with all the happiness and love floating in the air.

The night’s celebration ended, we came home, slept and went out for the New year’s day-out. In my family, it is believed that whatever you do on New Year’s Day reflects what you would do for the whole year! I do not want to be lazy for the whole year, nor do I want to spend days sitting at home. So going out was the only option, in spite of the bad weather and being tired. The day ended with visiting a temple and a dinner outside. I was satisfied with a good start of the year!

Then I thought - what has actually started? In my life, nothing ended on the 31st and neither anything started on the 1st. I knew exactly what is waiting for me a few days back as well. Whatever I didn’t know, say for instance what am I going to do after masters - isn’t clear yet as well. No, the arrival of the 1st of January 2014 didn’t dramatically change my life.

Yet, we all love to celebrate and welcome the ‘New’, no matter how insignificant its influence is in our lives. You might say, New Year asks for new resolution and at least gives opportunity to re-organise our lives. Well, if you have taken the opportunity, then it’s wonderful. If not, why don’t you consider today to be a Special New Year’s Day - just for you?

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