Photo | Bart van Overbeeke

Free food for your thoughts

Despite the drizzling rain, several international students - from countries such as India, China and Iran - turned out last night to enjoy a complimentary dinner and talk about their quality of life in the space boxes: TU/e’s on-campus housing tucked away behind Potentiaal and skirting the Dommel river.

The rooms are rented out by Vestide, a housing corporation that specializes in student accommodations and the evening’s organizer. The purpose of the event, also held on 3 December, was to discover the predominately-foreign residents’ biggest disappointments with their accommodations and to determine their preferences for their new apartments once Potentiaal’s renovation, slated for September, has been completed.

“I hope there will be a common room”, said an Indian PhD student who asked to remain anonymous. “It would be good if we could have a place to relax and socialize with each other.”

It’s a wish echoed by virtually everyone, says Almar Sinte Maartensdijk, the designer hired by Vestide to conceptualize and execute the research. “There’s a lot of loneliness here because the students don’t have any place to get together. Almost every student we’ve talked to has asked for a place to be able to hang out, watch TV, play games and get to know each other.”

The majority of students also expressed a desire for better lighting and improved cooking facilities. While warm, dimmer lighting is preferred in the Netherlands, many people from other cultures prefer cooler, brighter light for their living spaces.

In addition, students like Mohammed Ghasempourabadi (department of the Built Environment) tries to eat only halal foods, but says that’s a challenge in his current living situation, “We don’t have a fridge. You must buy everything fresh and that’s a big problem.”

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